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How does trade Algo work?

Our tools developed by expert technologists will help you develop confidence in your own strategy. Trade Algo identifies Dark Market Activity (DMA) by analyzing various data points of large orders as they hit the tape, including the order type, size, speed of the order, the pattern and volume, among many other indicators.

Is trade Algo a winner?

Not every trade is a winner but the 70% that are winners will help you mitigate your losses. Trade Algo has a wonderful platform to… Trade Algo has a wonderful platform to show what data is coming in that could potentially be a great trade opportunity. Their platform is also educational to help us learn how and what to trade, and importantly, why.

How does trade Algo identify dark Market Activity (DMA)?

Trade Algo identifies Dark Market Activity (DMA) by analyzing various data points of large orders as they hit the tape, including the order type, size, speed of the order, the pattern and volume, among many other indicators. In our community, we will help you master the three pillars of trading: technology, strategy & psychology.

What are tradealgo enterprise algorithms?

TradeAlgo enterprise algorithms provide a complete set of real-time cloud technologies for managing market data. With TradeAlgo, algorithms run on a cloud-based analytics architecture that currently supports approximately 250 data sources covering nearly 1.3 million listings.

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